Opening Speech by director Ruby Hoette
Q: What’s the duration of the study?
A: All programs are full-time two-year courses. You earn 60 ECTS points per year (European Credit Transfer System).
Readings by the students of Critical Studies
Short Worlds for Halftime - A reading
Propositions for post-disciplinarity
] bracket
Absence, twice removed
Kitchen Conversations
Q: What are the expenses of living in Amsterdam?
A: In addition to the tuition fee, costs vary depending on your personal situation and individual choices. Nevertheless, it's advised to count on at least € 1.130 living expenses per month.
Propositions for post-disciplinarity
] bracket
The Sorcerer
An Outline of Things, Sounds Cartography
Presentation by Anja Groten, director of Design
Nuet är där mina kroppar möts (Presence is where my bodies align)
Una película sin película A film without a film
Q: Do different departments collaborate?
A: There are some occasional collaborative workshops and seminars across departments, but generally each department follows their own trajectory. There are also a number of student initiatives which collaborate across departments.
Future Crystals of the Anthropocene
Presentation by Jerzsy Seymour, co-director of Dirty Art Department
Shuffering and Shmiling
Untitled (ongoing night light series)
all rights _reserved. © 2011.
Bursting Bubbles- Another Truth
Supplement to the Future Dictionary
Hosting Air
escribas modernas
The Most Glorious Day On Earth
Mushroom Dreams
The Most Glorious Day On Earth
Si puedo y es facíl, estoy cansada

“When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”

— Audre Lorde (a self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet”)

The Fine Arts Department provides a truly diverse, inclusive, and imaginative context for emerging artists. Believing that the necessary space for artistic development is created through the grace of discussion, doubt, anarchism, conflict, freedom, and the ability to play and fail, we dispense with all façades. As a permanent Master Department at the Sandberg Instituut, Fine Arts is fully committed to strong visual presentations of artistic experimentation and research. We offer dedicated time, space, and social structures for artists to develop their own practices in relation to fellow students, the larger field of art, and the greater world, enabling artists to take on intentional positions in society.

The department seeks and nurtures new perspectives and practices and therefore welcomes diverse voices, minds, and bodies. Respect, reciprocity, care, and social integrity are values we promote.

The department actively considers new interpretations of art education, asking how art can best engage with the urgent social questions of our time addressing global dialogue. We emphasise building new ways of knowing and new bodies of knowledge that incorporate increased sensitivity and understanding of the historical origins and persistent legacies of existing knowledges, fostering greater critical awareness regarding appropriation and the European discourse.

Presentation by Ludwig Engel and Julian Schubert, directors of Studio for Immediate Spaces
Q: Are study years one and two intertwined?
A: Both study years of the main departments share the same space and follow the same seminars. There isn’t a strict divide between the years across each department.
Dream of desert land x1
It Had Something To Do with The Telling Of Time
Graduation project
Every Object tells many stories
Scenario 02
In Medias Res
Bucolic Gang
Presentation by Lara Khaldi and Gertrude Flentge, directors of Lumbung Practice
Q: Are the studies collective or individual?
A: Everyone follows their own trajectory and graduates individually. Frequently there are collective projects and collaborative workshops and seminars.
Q: How many students are selected for the master of fine arts?
A: We accept around 12 students, per department, per year.
The Apple Pie
Monarchy Energy
Graduation project
Input Party
Your Future
Q: What does a studio look like?
A: All departments, apart from Fine Arts, share a communal space. The Fine Arts students have individual studios within their department space (first years share one studio space, and second years have one to themselves).
The Window
Peach Tree, Ambiguous
p.i.a. services
Konzert fur Spielzug und schwimmbad
 wait, I thought I was supposed to be a generous cook in a greasy kitchen - true stories told
A smokers theatre
Q: Is it possible to apply to more than one program?
A: Yes, you must indicate this on the digital application form.
Presentation by Unsettling
Presentation by Liza Prins, Sandberg and Rietveld Research
Open Sandberg 21
Asian Union
Choir of Tongue